How we address the future

The Swiss financial centre has been undergoing major change for several years now. Regulatory pressure is increasing, banking secrecy is being diluted and banking costs are increasing while the trend in earnings is downwards. This not only affects large financial institutions, but also private banks: the result has been mergers, takeovers or closures.

Union Standard Trust reacted to these signs in 2010 by adopting a new strategy: We drew up a new set of principles and refocused all our activities on our core business.

We safeguard our independence by operating free of foreign influences, consciously forgoing in-house investment banking activities, not maintaining our own fund companies, refraining from offering in-house products and not granting commercial loans. Our support is thus completely free of conflicts of interest.

We take stability and security very seriously. Union Standard Trust provides security by always conducting its business as a wealth manager on behalf of its clients. A high degree of stability is ensured by our majority shareholder, the state-guaranteed Graubündner Kantonalbank, which has an aboveaverage Standard & Poor’s rating.

stability and security